Mukand Lal National High School was established when there was no existance of any school upto 18 km surrounding at radaur in 1952.Though Seth Mukand Lal was a trader yet he had a vision to make the area of radaur proserous in regard to health and educational services.Therefore ,Seth Mukand Lal Ji established schools and hospitals in Radaur and surrounding areas.Vidyawati Maternity Hospital in Radaur proves that fact.It would not be an exaggeration to say that if Seth Mukand lal ji would not have coveted the vision of health and education in the core of his heart,the public(particularly women) of this area would have been living in ignominious darkness.M.L.N high school was upgraded to 12th standard Comprising Arts,Commerce and Non-medical in 1995.It is a co-educational school affiliated to Haryana Board of School Education .
Welcome to Mukand Lal National High School
Library Books
Smart Classes
Science lab
Commerce lab
Computer lab
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Principal Message
Our schools is committed to providing our students with a rigorous educational experience that focuses on consistent academic growth as well as social and emotional development of each student. We value our strong partnership with parents, families and community members.
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Commerce Lab
The trade and commerce is rapidly increased due to liberalization, globalization and privatization. This require more number of commerce graduates and also commerce professionals like Chartered Accountants(C.A), Company secretaries, Cost accountants, MBA graduates. Our commerce professionals have a good demand in the world as financial advisors, consultants and auditors.